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Canyon’s Rub is a specially prepared ointment that has many benefits.

Rub ideally used as:

  • A nasal-bronchia dilator as it helps to clear the passages so that breathing can be facilitated
  • A mild expectorant as it helps in the elimination of excess mucous
  • As a disinfectant as the anti-microbial action helps to provide an anti-septic effect
  • A mild analgesic to relieve topical pain e.g.:
    • Skin irritation
    • Skin cracking (heels)
    • Itchy skin

Nutritional information:

Camphor, Menthol, Pine Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, and Phenol In-actives: Petrolatum, Beeswax,Dosage and suggested use:

Rub a small amount of Rub onto the chest area. Repeat 2-3 times per day. Discontinue use if any reaction occurs.

Do not swallow

  • Avoid sensitive eye area
  • Do not use on open wounds
  • Consult with physician if you are pregnant

Available in 75g

This medicine has not been evaluated by SAHPRA for its quality, safety or intended use. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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    I am in need of this product, how can I get it?

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